Our Clinic
We strive to provide our patients with customized dental care that is suited to their needs. We are a family-owned office and only recommend treatments for our patients as we would for our families.
Mike Galye at Olds Denture and Implant Centre listens to all your needs in order to best help you. He will personally handle every step in the construction of your dentures, from the first impression to the last adjustment.
Mike will teach you how to handle all of your daily denture needs, such as maintenance, how often you will need adjustments in order to make sure your comfort level is at its highest.
Our Services
We offer patients a full service modern clinic with onsite experts to fulfill all of your oral health needs, including the following specialties:
- Partial and Complete Denture Fabrication using the highest quality materials – Standard and Complex
- Implant Retained Overdentures
- Implant retained Bar Overdentures
- All on 4 Screw Retained Bridges
- Zirconia fixed Bridges on Implants
- TMJ Dysfunction Splints
- Snoring Devices
- Teeth Whitening
- Mouth Guards
- Night Guards
- Soft Linings
- Regular Check Ups
- Care and Maintenance of your Dentures, Linings, Implants, Bridges etc.

About Our Denturist
Since graduating from Nait’s Denturist Technology Program in 1992, Mike and his wife, Brenda, have resided in Olds, AB. He enjoys being outdoors to play golf and go camping, and he loves getting involved in the community. He has been trained on multiple types of Implant Retained Appliances, Computerized Jaw records and functions and snoring appliances, and all procedures involving the fabrication of dentures.
Mike has been a practicing Denturist since 1996. He has now developed 5 different practices and has spent several years on personal business development programs.
Mike’s commitment is to provide you with the highest standard of care to satisfy all your oral health needs. Mike’s goal is to provide the best possible services using the best quality products and technologies available to him. He also prides himself on customer satisfaction and loyalty.
“Believe in yourself and act with integrity. Take pride in what you do and do it to the best of your ability”. – Michael Galye, DD.