It’s natural to feel some discomfort when adjusting to your new dentures. Unfortunately, this discomfort often makes it difficult to eat certain foods for a short time.
While eating may be uncomfortable, it’s important for your health that you maintain a proper healthy diet. This discomfort will subside after a little time, but it can be overwhelming at first. To help make the transition to eating with your new dentures easier, here are 10 things you should know about eating with new dentures.
- Start with Liquids
Starting with a diet of liquid or pureed foods will help keep your discomfort to a minimum as your gums adjust to your new dentures. Examples of good soft and pureed foods include apple sauce, puddings, and broth.
- Swallow
When eating a liquid diet, it’s important to swallow your foods. Holding liquids in your mouth for a prolonged time can potentially loosen your bottom denture.
- Be Cautious of Hot Foods
While soup can be a great food to eat while adjusting to your dentures, be careful you don’t eat soup that is too hot. Dentures are made of materials that may initially feel foreign in your mouth and this can make it difficult to properly judge the temperature of your food. By letting your food cool before eating, you will ensure that you don’t burn your mouth.
- Different Tastes
Don’t become alarmed if certain familiar foods taste odd when you first start eating with your dentures. It takes time and practice before your dentures start to feel normal, which can easily distract your mind. Your sense of taste will return once eating becomes more natural.
- Small Pieces
When eating pureed food starts to feel comfortable, start to gradually introduce certain soft solid foods into your diet. Be sure to cut these foods into small pieces so they take less time to chew and will cause less strain on your gums.
- Chew Slowly
When you start eating solid foods, take your time to chew slowly. Chewing will feel odd at first, but it is important you chew your food properly to avoid choking or taxing your digestive system.
- Don’t Favour One Side of Your Mouth
If you notice your dentures feel loose while eating solid foods, take a moment to consider where you are chewing inside your mouth. Distributing your food evenly between both sides of the back of your mouth will help keep your dentures stable and make eating feel more natural.
- Have a Drink Ready
Whole grains, such as bread and porridge, are part of a healthy diet. Unfortunately, grains can also stick to your teeth. Having a glass of water with you while eating can help clean sticky residue off your teeth and can also make chewing and swallowing easier.
- Avoid Red Meats
Protein is a staple of a healthy diet. While becoming accustomed to eating solid foods with your dentures, skip the tough red meats and opt instead for something easier to chew. Great soft protein options include fish, eggs, and poultry.
- Cut Fruit into Small Pieces
Once your mouth has become accustomed to eating with your new dentures in, you should be able to eat most foods comfortably again. However, it’s wise to be cautious of foods that are particularly hard or sticky, like apples or peanut butter. By cutting your fruits into small pieces, even once eating feels normal, you can avoid damaging your dentures.
If you are still struggling to chew even the softest of foods or are considering using a denture adhesive to help you eat, book a consultation with your denturist. Mike Galye at Olds Denture & Implant Centre will make sure you have the best fitting dentures possible that will have you eating and smiling again in no time.
Book your next denture appointment today!