Can you wear your dentures while sleeping?
For many, a new set of dentures is a return to established routine. What was once difficult or even impossible now feels like second nature. Eating, talking, even smiling – they are all possible thanks to your new dentures.
Yes, your new dentures perform and look almost as good as natural teeth. But what about when we sleep? Is it ok to sleep with your dentures in? What’s the big deal about leaving them in overnight? We’re going to help you understand the answers to these questions so that you can sleep easy knowing your mouth is as healthy as it can be.

What exactly are
dentures made of?
Before we can discuss whether you can sleep with your dentures in, we need to first examine what dentures are made of.
Most dentures are made of resin or porcelain. An acrylic resin is the most popular material today for dentures. They may look solid, but if you peek at them under a microscope, you’ll see a vast network of pores.
This network is highly susceptible to bacteria and viruses, meaning that simple brushing is not enough.
And since dentures are not a natural, organic part of your body, they don’t benefit from your body’s natural defenses or immunities, making all those pores the perfect place for germs to thrive.
Can you sleep with dentures?
Dentures can certainly reunite you with your confidence and make you feel less conscious of your mouth, but when it comes to keeping them in while you sleep, you’d be best advised to take them out at bedtime.
Studies have shown that wearing dentures during sleep results in a higher risk of developing pneumonia. There’s also the fact that you’re creating a breeding ground in your mouth for all sorts of problems, like oral bacteria and fungi which can cause gum irritation and bad breath.
This makes sense. When we eat, food gets left behind. Everyone has probably seen their father or grandfather take his dentures out after dinner and lick the leftovers out of the gumline, but how sanitary is this practice?
The reality is most people who have been wearing dentures for a long time rarely maintain proper denture hygiene. Denture wearers should not keep their dentures in overnight unless there is a specific need to or it is advised by their oral hygenist.
How to store your dentures overnight?
So if you’re not wearing your dentures to bed, what should you do with them?
There are some who suggest you just toss them in a glass of water by your nightstand then wash them off in the morning. This keeps them moist and rinses away any germs.
Though this can seem effective, the best way to store them is by soaking them in a cleansing tablet solution. Using a cleansing table reduces denture biofilm mass and the ability for diseases to develop on your dentures compared to a dry environment or even a glass of water.
But don’t stop there. Your bedtime cleaning routine should include:
- Brushing your dentures
- Rinsing your dentures before dropping them in your cleansing solution
- Rinsing them in the morning when you take them out of the solution
If you need further guidance, the experts at Olds Denture Centre can help you learn more about cleaning your dentures and put together a proper maintenance routine.
And whatever you do, remember to take out your dentures overnight and keep your mouth safe from all sorts of nasty things.