Plain white vinegar has been used for years to keep dentures clean and bacteria free, but did you know that using Apple Cider Vinegar can have the same cleaning benefits and help to keep your pearly whites, pearly white?
Because the PH level of Apple Cider Vinegar is so high, it kills bacteria, dissolves tartar and plaque that builds up over time, and can ward off Denture Stomatitis (a yeast grown fungus). It has been shown in recent studies to have all the best benefits of any denture cleaning solution, but by taking a more natural approach to it – one that you can do daily if you choose.
To make a solution, all you need to do is add equal parts of clean, warm water and apple cider vinegar. Let your dentures sit in this solution for at least a half an hour – overnight will give you the best results.
After your dentures have soaked in the solution, take a very soft bristled brush, and brush them like you would with any other cleaning solution. Being sure not to miss any spots and to remove any adhesive. You may have to rinse between brushing to be sure you haven’t missed anything.
Once you have brushed them thoroughly, rinse the dentures very well under clean running water.
This easy process will also help to eliminate future build ups and bacteria if done often, which may help to extend the life of your dentures.
Olds Denture and Implant Centre is here to answer any of the questions you may have in regard to using apple cider vinegar to clean your dentures. Call us today!